Pray with us

We pray as though the outcome is dependent on God. We work as though the outcome is dependent on us...

Praying for our work is a powerful and effective way of supporting what we do. Our staff, volunteers, and the pastors we partner with, all deeply appreciate your prayers: they need daily strength, wisdom and love to minister effectively to the people we support.

Many of the families, children and individuals we work with are struggling with complex problems ranging from post-traumatic stress disorder to domestic abuse to long-term unemployment. We want everyone we work with and serve to be set free from hopelessness and poverty – and come into the joy and freedom of knowing Christ. Prayer is what makes all of this possible.

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The success of our work depends on our prayers

Over the 60 years since we were founded, we have seen many prayers answered … doors opened, lives transformed and the gospel shared with thousands of people. God has also been faithful to us in times of trial and difficulty, and with that knowledge we come before Him now, in prayer.

THANK YOU for your continued and faithful support, it is only because of your support that we continue reaching people for Christ.

Click here to download and subscribe to our monthly Prayer Diary.